In Russia, messengers have become the most popular applications

Moreover, in the fall of this year, 42% of respondents said that they began to use instant messengers more often than a year ago.

On average, Russian smartphones have 4messenger, and this figure has not changed since last year. The most popular of them is WhatsApp, 88% of respondents have it. Next come Viber - 62% and Skype - 52%. 

In particular, Telegram is in fourth placein popularity, however, the number of its downloads is growing faster than its competitors. The next places in the list of installed instant messengers are occupied by Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, Snapchat and others. Deloitte representative Anton Shulga believes that remote work contributes to the greater use of instant messengers.

Deloitte conducted a survey in 200 settlements in eight regions of Russia, and 1,600 people took part in it.

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