In September, a dangerous asteroid will fly near the Earth. The minimum distance will be less than to the moon

NASA has discovered an asteroid that will fly by Earth at closer range in September 2020.

distance than the Moon.According to researchers, the diameter of asteroid ES4 is about 22-49 meters. It will fly past Earth at 18,253 mph, which is about the standard speed of an asteroid.

NASA noted that the proximity of a celestial body to Earth is "potentially dangerous." However, scientists did not put it on the list of dangerous because of the small diameter of the asteroid.

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According to the database, the asteroid will pass by the EarthSeptember 1 at 10:49 am ET. ES4 will fly by at a distance of 0.00048 astronomical units, or about 44,618 miles. The distance to Earth is much closer than to the Moon, which is about 238,855 miles away. Scientists haven't seen the asteroid since March 2011, so they're hoping to get a glimpse of its journey in September 2020.

In total, NASA listed 12 asteroids that should fly past Earth by the end of July. All of them fly an unsafe distance from the planet.

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