Study: Severe COVID-19 Can Be Treated Like Altitude Sickness

High altitude medicine specialists from Bolivia who have been studying mountain diseases for over 50 years,

found that they are very similar to pneumolysis (destruction of the lungs) caused by hypoxemia - low levels of oxygen in the blood.

By analogy with this, the SARS-CoV-2 virus entersinto the body during breathing and passes through the bronchi to the surface of the alveoli of the air sacs, where pneumocytes are located - the alveolar cells of the lungs, and their capillaries. As a result of self-replication, pneumocytes are destroyed, releasing all the replicated SARS-CoV-2 RNA, which infects neighboring cells.

Therefore, a person experiences pneumonia and damage that is similar to high altitude pulmonary edema. 

When treating mountain sickness, it is not mechanical ventilation that is used,and non-invasive oxygenation, as well as erythropoietin, a hormone that naturally increases the production of red blood cells and protects the heart, brain and blood vessels from the dangers of hypoxia.

According to scientists, in this case it is necessaryuse timely administration of oxygen, which can reduce pulmonary edema. The authors of the work also suggest taking anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant drugs. 

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