How to change the arrow on the car icon in Google Maps

The Google Maps app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch makes it easy to customize your car icon. This way you can

diversify the application in navigator mode. Below we will tell you how this is done.

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How to change car icons inGoogle Maps

one)Open the appGoogle Cardson iPhone or iPad.

2)Start the modeAT way.

3)Touchblue arrowsthat represents your vehicle.

four)Choose anycar iconfrom the menu to set it instead of the arrow. The following options are available:

  • Stylish red sedan.
  • Classic green car with a trunk.
  • Yellow crossover.

The choice is yours: use a fun car icon or the classic blue arrow. The car icons are not very convenient for navigation, since the arrow is more familiar, and it is easier to use it to determine which direction to move.

The icons do not affect the navigation itself in any way, this is just a visual change.

Now you know how to change your car without paying a penny. Even if it's just an icon in a navigation app.