See how smart fabric recognizes foods on the table

Researchers initially developed this technology into a tablecloth and found it particularly useful for

cooking. Smart fabric can suggest food based on what's on the table, and a dedicated diet app will know what you've eaten.

However, scientists also refer to Capacitivo technology as a reminder tool. For example, to remind you to wash an empty food bowl if you leave it on the table.

But it's not that simple. The original project has limitations. It will not recognize metal objects and will not work with books or other square-edged objects. He also has problems with credit cards and other items that do not have a clear system of form and capacity. Some drinks do not give reliable results.

So don't expect that in the near futurethere will be a smart tablecloth, although technology should improve over time. The team hopes that the fabric will learn to detect metal, it will be able to connect touch input, and scientists will be able to implement many other improvements. If all goes well, this could lead to a truly seamless smart home where you don't have to rely on smart scales, scanning or other apps to detect it.

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