Scientists' development will get rid of CO2 at room temperature

Although the researchers demonstrated their new method of getting rid of CO2 in a small, strictly

controlled environment of a few nanometers, they have already come up with concepts for its scaling and practical application.

In addition to the fact that new technology can softenthe effects of climate change, a chemical process used by scientists will reduce the cost and energy requirements for the production of liquid hydrocarbons and other chemicals used in industry. The fact is that the frequently used building blocks for the synthesis of methane, ethanol and other carbon compounds are by-products of the new method.

In new technology, solid carbon capturesone of the oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide gas, reducing it to carbon monoxide. Usually, this process requires a huge amount of energy in the form of high temperatures - at least 700 ° C.

However, instead of heat, the team used energy obtained from traveling waves of localized surface plasmons (LSPs) that travel along individual aluminum nanoparticles. 

In the team's experiment, aluminum nanoparticles weredeposited on a layer of graphite (another form of carbon). It was through it that the LSP energy was transmitted. In addition, graphite was responsible for the elimination of individual oxygen atoms from carbon dioxide, converting it into carbon monoxide. It should be noted that aluminum nanoparticles were stored at room temperature. The scientists got rid of carbon dioxide without the need for a strong heat source.

Previous methods for removing carbon dioxide have hadlimited success because these methods required high temperature or pressure, used expensive precious metals, or had little efficacy. In turn, the LSP method not only saves energy, but also uses aluminum - a cheap and affordable metal.

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