Behind-the-ear device reduces stress levels

Researchers at Feelmore Labs have unveiled a Cove device that attaches to the ears and periodically

Scientists note that if you wear it for 20 minutes,per day, the user becomes more resistant to stress, relaxes more easily and falls asleep.

Сove uses vibrations and massages the areaHeads behind the user's ears - The researchers who developed this device refer to these movements as akin to affective touch. Scientists originally planned to use micro-charges of electricity, which are also considered to be an effective method for dealing with stress, but later decided to focus on vibrations. In preliminary tests, users reported a decrease in stress levels over the course of a month.

The new sensor is sewn into clothes and monitors health through sweat

The equipment is paired with an application foriOS and Android that can be used to track the user's progress. In addition, it can develop a "stress meter" that determines at what point the device should work. However, the process will not interfere with work, jogging, or other daily activities.

Previously, scientists presented a new sensor thatcan be sewn into clothes - the device monitors all indicators of the body through sweat. Data is updated every 5-30 seconds. It can be used to diagnose and monitor acute and chronic diseases or monitor health during sports activities. The device, described in the journal NPJ Flexible Electronics, consists of special sensing threads and electronic components. It can transmit data, as well as collect, store and process it in real time.

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