Number of the day: How much money do Russians spend on films on the Internet?

Russians spend on average 285 rubles on films on the Internet

TelecomDaily agency conducted a survey among Russian

users of online cinemas and found out how much money Russians spend on films on the Internet, and what services they prefer.

The study authors collected responses from 1,720respondents in the second half of September. 63% of respondents said that they use free services to watch movies. 39% reported that they subscribe, another 28% periodically buy films or TV series.

26% of respondents said they spend at least 100rubles per month for services, 27% - from 100 to 250 rubles. That is, more than half of the users fit into the amount of up to 250 rubles. Another 25% pay from 250 to 399 rubles, and the remaining 23% of respondents - more than 499 rubles. The average monthly expenses (including subscription and payment per unit of content) are about 285 rubles.

Most of the respondents preferred the Ivi service (57%). Then come Kinopoisk (44%), Okko (38%), Megogo (26%), Netflix (19%).