“Who are you” masks on Instagram: where to find and how to use

If you regularly use the Instagram app and like to scroll through your friends' stories, then you probably

noticed a new trend. This is a huge number of “Who are you” masks, like “Which Harry Potter character are you” or “Which Disney character are you.”

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Of course, after seeing the story with such a mask, you can immediately try this mask on yourself through it. However, finding such masks yourself is not so simple. With this we will help you.

How to Find Who You Are Masks on Instagram

Step 1: To get started, launch the Instagram application and go tostory modeby clicking the camera icon in the upper left.



Step 2: At the bottom of the screen you will see a list of all available masks. Scroll them all the way to the right and selectView effects.

Step 3: Here you can view collections with different filters and masks by category, and also find them by name. To do this, clicksearch iconin the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 4: In the search bar, enter “Who are you" and start searching. You will see a lot of results immediately. You can scroll through them, select the mask you like and clickTo try.


Now you can record the story with the selectedmask. It is worth noting that some masks are activated as soon as you start recording history, and for some, after starting recording, you need to touch the screen again.


There are a lot of such masks. Here are some of the most popular examples:

  • Who are you today?
  • Who are you in life?
  • Who were you in a previous life?
  • Genetics scanner
  • Which painting?
  • Who are you from disney
  • Who are you from animals?
  • Who are you from Pokemon

If you suddenly see a mask you like in your friend’s story, you can click on its name at the top of the screen to try the mask on yourself.

How to save masks?

To return to the masks you like later, you can save them. To do this, next to the name of the mask, click on the down arrow and selectSave effect.

You can view saved masks and filters in the panel with all available masks. They are located to the left of the record button.