New interpretation of quantum mechanics removes the uncertainty principle

Quantum mechanics arose in the 1920s, and since then scientists have not reached a consensus on how best to

just interpret it.Many interpretations, including the Copenhagen interpretation presented by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, and in particular the von Neumann-Wigner interpretation, argue that the consciousness of the person administering the test influences the result. On the other hand, Karl Popper and Albert Einstein believed that objective reality exists. Erwin Schrödinger put forward a famous thought experiment involving the fate of an unfortunate cat, the purpose of which was to describe the imperfections of quantum mechanics.

Lindgren and Lukkonen in their article consideruncertainty principle developed by Heisenberg in 1927. According to the traditional interpretation of the principle, location and momentum cannot be determined simultaneously with an arbitrary degree of accuracy, since the person taking the measurement always influences the values. Simply put, the principle states that it is impossible to simultaneously know both the exact position and the exact speed of an object due to the influence of the observer.

Jukka Lukkonen (left) and Jussi Lindgren (right) describe the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Credit: Aalto University.

However, in their study, Lindgren and Lukkonenconcluded that the correlation between location and momentum, that is, their relationship, is fixed. Reality is an object that is independent of the person who is measuring it. Lindgren and Lukkonen used stochastic dynamic optimization in their research. In the frame of reference of their theory, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a manifestation of thermodynamic equilibrium, in which the correlations of random variables do not disappear.

“The results show that there is noa logical reason why the results depend on the person taking the measurement. According to our research, there is nothing that suggests that a person's consciousness could interfere with the results or create a particular result or reality, ”explains Jussi Lindgren.

This interpretation of quantum mechanics supports classical scientific principles.

“Interpretation is objective and realistic, and at the same time as simple as possible. We like clarity and prefer to get rid of all mysticism, ”says Lukkonen.

In December 2019, researchers publishedhis last article, which also used mathematical analysis as a tool to explain quantum mechanics. They used the method of stochastic optimal control theory, which was used to solve problems such as sending a rocket from Earth to the Moon.

Following Occam's razor, the researchers chose the simplest possible explanation.

“We study quantum mechanics as a statisticaltheory. The math tool is clear, but some might think it is boring. But is an explanation really an explanation if it's vague? " Lindgren concludes.

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