Scientists have built tiny microbial factories based on drops

Normally, algae cells fix carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis. In the study

scientists from the University of Bristol andHarbin Institute of Technology used sugar drops. They were filled with living algae cells to produce hydrogen, rather than oxygen, through photosynthesis.

Hydrogen is potentially climaticallyneutral fuel, it is considered as a source of energy in the future. The main disadvantage of hydrogen fuel is that it requires a lot of energy to produce it. A cleaner alternative is needed, and this discovery could be an important step forward.

To make algae produce hydrogen,it is necessary to limit the intake of sulfur, one of the important components of cellular proteins. In response, the algae slows down its metabolism, and releases excess energy generated in the process of photosynthesis into the environment in the form of hydrogen. It is formed from water under the action of a catalyst—the enzyme hydrogenase. In nature, this protective mechanism of algae is triggered only in “hungry” times and, in general, the yield of hydrogen is very insignificant.

Electron microscopic image of a densely packed droplet of hydrogen-producing algal cells. Scale bar 10 microns. Photo: Professor Xin Huang, Harbin Institute of Technology.

To increase the level of hydrogen production,scientists have covered living microreactors of sugar droplets with algal cells inside a thin shell of bacteria. They absorb oxygen and, therefore, increase the number of algal cells adapted to hydrogenase activity.

Although this work is still in its early stages, it represents a step towards the development of photobiological green energy in natural aerobic conditions.

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