5 myths about beer that were never true

The publication Eat this, not that decided to debunk several myths about beer: does it really make your belly grow and

Are dark types of drink stronger than light ones? Discuss

  • 1st myth: beer should not be drunk before liquor (any other strong alcohol).

Study Shows Hangovers Don'tgets easier depending on the order in which you drink alcoholic beverages (and even if you drink only one type of alcohol at all during the entire evening).

  • 2nd myth: dark beer is stronger than light beer.

You need to evaluate the alcohol content of the drink,to determine if it really is stronger. For example, Guinness may appear stronger due to its dark color, but contains only 4.2% alcohol. On the contrary, Budweiser may seem like a lighter option, but actually contains more alcohol - 5%.

  • Myth 3: Beer belly is caused by beer.

Beer alone cannot make the belly grow in size. It's all about excess calorie intake, unhealthy habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Myth 4: Beer should always be served ice cold.

This drink is surprisingly stable and canwithstand various temperature transitions. Brewers argue that different beers should be served at different temperatures, and some even at room temperature.

  • Myth 5: Draft beer causes more severe hangovers.

The short answer is: there is no difference. A hangover is caused by drinking alcohol, regardless of its source and type.

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