Clouds are exacerbating climate change and affecting global warming

The study, carried out by researchers from Imperial College London and the University of East Anglia,

confirms that clouds will increase global warming in the long term, further exacerbating climate change.

The researchers also concluded that whenAt doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations above pre-industrial levels, global temperature increases are unlikely to be limited to 2 ° C, and on average, a 3 ° C increase is more likely. Pre-industrial CO2 levels were around 280 ppm, but current levels are already approaching 420 ppm.

The authors also note that clouds depending ontheir densities and heights in the atmosphere can either increase or decrease warming. Therefore, it is still unclear how many people can afford to "release" greenhouse gases into the atmosphere so that the global temperature does not rise above 1.5 ° C or 2 ° C.

Low clouds have a cooling effect, sohow they prevent the penetration of sunlight to the surface of the Earth. However, high clouds are dangerous because they trap the energy emitted by the surface, preventing it from going into space.

Despite this, the authors said there is a 97.5 percent chance that clouds will be a factor in increasing global warming. 

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