Computers have learned to write legends

Enthusiast Michael Reeve created a website capable of generating legends. Moreover, he can use the service

free for anyone.

The computer writes small stories consisting offrom just two sentences. The resulting legends are reminiscent of those that people told each other in ancient times. So, in the first sentence, it is reported from which fictional source the story was taken. In the second, the story itself is told. The enthusiast is known to have been inspired by the Loremen podcast on English folklore to create this legend generator.

It turns out, albeit meaningless, but funny stories. A few examples:

”This legend is taken from The Complete History of Ventnor and Newport by Ravinger Wedgwood-Quinton. In 1422, a group of ravenous wild children with purple teeth were seen at St. Rudyard's cemetery. "

“This tale is spoken about in the West Midlands.In 1543, the city pharmacist Athelstan Ryland received from the devil himself in the stables of the Harlan farm a magic lamp, which is said to have the ability to cure colic. "

“This story is told by the people of Hemsworth. Since 1569, the ghost of a druid has appeared every Wednesday at the Five Dogs Hotel. "

You can generate a legend for free using this link.