FAQ: what is trading and why you can make money with it

- What do you need to start trading?

— Today, for a novice trader

It’s enough to have a modern smartphone and nothingmore. All necessary applications are available in popular stores - Play Market or App Store. Of course, if you approach the issue more professionally, then you need a laptop or desktop.

If we talk about the money issue, then for a beginnerhe needs a sum that he will take seriously. This is important: if the initial investment is significant, then losses will make you learn faster, and profits will really make you happy.

The third component of the "starter package" fornewbie - knowledge. The main thing is to understand how the trading terminal works and how the market functions. And there are enough ways: professional literature, trader blogs and YouTube videos, online courses with "live" market participants. So, everything you need to know about making a profit, you can learn at the courses "Invest!". It is important that the trader-mentor not only provides training materials, but also gives feedback - he discusses his own trades with students, popular mistakes and life hacks for novice traders.

Unfortunately, even with high awareness ofwhat trading is, many come to the market expecting easy money. Newbies often rely solely on luck, make rash transactions, including those associated with high risks, quickly drain the deposit. Even if in the beginning a novice trader may be really lucky, he may soon fail. As a rule, such players do not stay on the market for a long time and leave disappointed.

You should immediately indicate to yourself that the exchange is not a casino, and a trader who has just entered the profession will have to put in a lot of effort and learn to overcome setbacks.

- What increase in the invested funds can be expected in the first months after the start of trading?

Let's be honest. If trading is something new for you, then at first you need to keep the account from minuses. It's like learning to swim - first we learn to stay on the water, and then we swim towards the dream.

Lana Nagornaya, founder of online investment courses "Invest!"       

- As mentioned above, for beginners it is importantstart small but noticeable. Even small amounts (by the standards of experienced traders) can generate good returns. One of the optimal strategies for the first time, while there is an adaptation to the "laws" of trading on the stock exchange, is to increase your trade balance at the expense of earned income. There is one more rule - do not invest more than 2% of your capital in one transaction. Thus, risks are reduced and income is increased.

— Can a demo account and educational materials replace training with a real trader?

— The unequivocal answer is no.Indeed, a huge amount of material is now available on the Internet: from numerous articles and tips for beginners to blogs of real traders, their detailed instructions “How to get your first million” and so on. A person can train as much as he wants on a simulator, “lose” more than one test million, learn professional subtleties told first-hand, but will never be able to learn how to work in the real market. Any novice trader should remember: when trading on the stock exchange, everything is real - both profits and losses. Don’t forget about emotions, which can either ruin everything or, on the contrary, help you achieve your goals. Therefore, the help of an experienced trader is extremely important - after all, he has already experienced all this on himself, knows not only some technical subtleties, but is also familiar with the behavior of players in the market, understands their psychology and can give advice that is not in any book about trading . The main advice for a beginner: work without nervous breakdowns and get not only profit from trading, but also pleasure.

- Traders have professional slang. What concepts do you need to remember first?

All concepts are intuitive: for example, "catching a moose" clearly does not bode well, and indeed - in slang it means closing a trade with a loss. Plunging into this environment, a person will quickly learn everything, especially if there is a mentor who can always be asked something.

Lana Nagornaya,founder of online investment courses "Invest!"

- Another “animal” term is “pigs”. This is the name for those traders whose game is aimed solely at maximum profit. Pigs take maximum leverage and do not take profits in order to wait for an even higher price. But, as a rule, such high risks lead to the opposite result - losses.

- What instruments are better to start trading with?

- With shares, of course! A share is a share in a company, as long as the company exists, the share also exists. Yes, its price can change, but it cannot become negative in a couple of days or hours. In addition, you can buy shares with your own capital, without using borrowed funds. In the event of an unprotected loss, the trader simply turns into a long-term investor.

- What are the types of accounts?

- There are two types of accounts. Real accounts - here we are talking about a brokerage and individual investment account. And also virtual accounts - they are also called demo accounts. The latter are needed more in order to understand the trading terminal, without fear of pressing the wrong button or losing your savings.

The chart gives us information about the price movement. The main thing is to analyze it correctly. The price does not move spontaneously, it always has benchmarks, they are levels. To draw them, you need to find the trend reversal points and connect them, as shown in the figure.

— How do high-frequency robots work?

- High frequency robots are a kindalgorithmic trading, which is characterized by high speed, high capital turnover and short asset holding periods. Thanks to the enormous processing power of the computers that are used for high frequency trading (HFT), they can execute dozens of trades in milliseconds. Therefore, they usually trade in small volumes and work within the framework of dark pools (closed platforms for trading securities, they are inaccessible to ordinary investors - "Hi-tech"). It is sometimes impossible to find out that it is a robot that is working against you.

There are many different ways to work for"High-frequency operators": analysis of supply and demand in the order book, spread calculation, catching impulses ... There are still a lot of inefficiencies on the market that you can monetize in your favor. Such systems add liquidity and even density to the order queue to the market. Can you say robots are bad? While they do not bother anyone. Failures in such systems are very rare. In my memory, this happened only once - on May 6, 2010, when FlashCrash happened.

Lana Nagornaya,founder of online investment courses "Invest!"

— Can AI predict a profitable deal?

- If someone or something could predicta good deal, then everyone would know about it. Not to mention the fact that many would want to take possession of this universal tool. Today, many companies are spending significant amounts of money on developing self-learning neural networks. First of all, they are needed to analyze the huge amount of data that is on the exchange, and predictive analytics. Simply put, to get predictions and predictions - when you can make a deal, which securities will rise in price, and so on.

So far, I've only heard about 53% of the performance of predictive systems. This is already very cool, but they cannot trade ideally, otherwise they would have accumulated huge capital already now.

Lana Nagornaya,founder of online investment courses "Invest!"

- Does a beginner need to use smart algorithms for automated trading?

- The most important thing to understand about smartalgorithms - where are they from. If you buy a ready-made system from someone, then it will not be superfluous to find out why its owner is selling a source of profit, because it is like sharing your own money printing press.

I don’t know such altruists. A good system can be written by yourself, but not by a beginner. You must first learn what the market is and how it works, find inefficiencies and exploit them.

Lana Nagornaya,founder of online investment courses "Invest!"

According to the developer of trading robots, Zhey Yang, there are four main types of algorithms for trading:

  • order execution algorithms;
  • algorithms using behavioral factors;
  • scalping algorithms;
  • predictive algorithms.

Some of the most popular are execution algorithmsorders. We are talking about the reallocation of funds between various assets of large funds. Of course, doing it manually is too resource-intensive, while smart algorithms can do it quickly and efficiently. The simplest variants of these algorithms are TWAP (time weighted average price) and VWAP (weighted average volume price).

Such algorithms work as followsprinciple: they look at the state of the market and evaluate it over a certain period of time. Then they place buy and sell orders, and do so rationally. Unlike a live investor, the algorithm will work with small amounts of funds and do so systematically, breaking the asset into many small blocks.

— What investment instruments can be traded within one trading account?

- Today many brokers offer multi accounts -one account for stocks / bonds, derivatives, and foreign exchange transactions on the Moscow Exchange. This is convenient, especially if the system provides, for example, arbitrage transactions when buying shares and simultaneously selling futures. It is convenient to buy US stocks if there is currency on the account right there. There is definitely progress in this matter, and the opportunities offered to traders continue to expand.

Derivative- an agreement (contract) under which the partiesacquire the right or obligation to perform certain actions in relation to the underlying asset. Usually the opportunity to buy, sell, provide, or receive some goods or securities is provided. Unlike a direct purchase and sale agreement, a derivative is formal and standardized, initially providing for the opportunity for at least one of the parties to freely sell this contract, that is, it is one of the options for securities.

- What should a beginner know about using the terminal?

— The terminal is just a program.It only does what the user tells it to do. Another question is how exactly she does it. There are nuances regarding the types of applications and terminal capabilities. But now all this can be studied - there are, again, numerous articles, materials, traders’ Instagrams and online educational courses. You can try out all the subtleties on a virtual account and only then begin real actions.

There are various trading terminals withdiffering in functionality, features and capabilities: from tools of professional investors to those that can be used for trading on Russian stock exchanges. For example, a terminal for working on the Russian SMARTx exchanges. It was created by Russian developers, while the development was carried out not from scratch, but based on the M4 platform from the Americans from Modulus FE.

Among the useful functions of the terminal is the abilitycreating trading robots right inside the program. In addition, the terminal provides installation of various plugins - for trading options or automatically deleting orders

- Tell us point by point the process of buying a lot: from how to choose securities to how the transaction is completed.

  • We select the most liquid stocks - those that have the highest turnover of transactions over the last 2-3 trading sessions.
  • We evaluate the prospects for further price movement using technical analysis tools and make a purchase decision.
  • To buy, we create an order/application for the broker, inwhich we indicate how many lots of this asset we want to purchase. We also need to indicate at what price we want to do this: at the current price or are we willing to wait for a price below the market one.
  • We have sent the application and are waiting for its execution.

- Should I use ready-made banking applications for trading?

- Why not, especially if your bank,for example, it offers you favorable conditions and an application that is convenient in terms of interface and functionality. Today, both brokers and banks are trying to win the hearts and accounts of investors not only with low commissions, but also with an IT component. Therefore, beginners often like to work with ready-made banking applications for trading.

- What are the commissions for trading?

— There may be application fees, but this is rare.Most often these are transaction fees, which are calculated as a percentage of turnover, and exchange commissions. When you use a broker's lending funds, whether stock or cash, there is a loan fee. If a depository is involved - a place where securities are stored, then a certain commission may be charged for this. In any case, you need to clarify this issue with the broker himself, since commissions for some items may be completely absent. Even for a deal.

- What is Margin Call and is it possible to go negative?

— Margin Call is a forced closurepositions. It is only possible if borrowed capital or margin instruments are used (partial derivatives - Hi-Tech). For example, we have 100 rubles, but we want to buy an asset worth 250 rubles, where can we get another 150? You can borrow from a broker. Naturally, the broker will monitor your transaction, or rather, the state of the account, and if the price begins to decrease, say, to 200 rubles, the broker will warn us. Seeing that the price continues to decline (190, 180…), the broker closes our deal on his own, returning his 150 rubles plus a commission, and we will have some minimum left.

You can go into negative territory by using derivatives.This was the case in April 2020 with oil prices—few people expected that sellers would be willing to pay extra to have their oil taken away. Which led to negative transactions on the market. Many buyers then went into the red.

— How long can it take for a novice trader to develop his own “trading style”?

It all depends on the frequency of practice.If we want to become a master of sports, then we train every day. If you just keep yourself in shape, 2-3 workouts a week is enough. It's the same in trading. More approaches, more practice, and within 1-2 months you will understand how and where you work comfortably and profitably.

Lana Nagornaya,founder of online investment courses "Invest!"

When registering for online courses "Invest" promo code"HAYTEK" gives a discount of 3,000 rubles for the tariffs "Almost by myself" and "Into Space". The promo code cannot be combined with other discount offers and is valid only for the full price.

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