Found the remains of a new species of megaraptor: this is one of the most dangerous predators

Paleontologists have discovered the largest carnivorous dinosaur ever found. The new species was

a superpredator from the megaraptor family that lived in the forests of Argentina about 70 million years ago.

Megaraptors were as big and strong asother carnivores, such as tyrannosaurs, but perhaps even more terrifying. They were born to run - their long, thin legs and half-hollow bones indicate that dinosaurs were light and very agile. When they caught up with their prey , then they grabbed it with their unusually muscular hands, tearing the victim with curved claws up to 35 cm long.

The newly discovered species is the largestmegaraptor found so far. It is estimated that its body was 9 to 10 m long and weighed about 5 tons. It was named Maip macrothorax. "Macrothorax" refers to the creature's large rib cage, and "Maip" is the name of an evil spirit from the mythology of the Tehuelches people, indigenous to Patagonia, where the fossil was found.

The fossils were originally discovered in 2019year before excavations were interrupted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The team hopes to return to the site to find more bones in early 2023.

The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

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