How walking improves brain function

It turns out that walking does not prevent us from performing well on mental tasks. Sometimes it happens completely

vice versa. This conclusion was reached by experts from the Del Monte Neuroscience Institute at the University of Rochester. Discuss

Previously, scientists believed that a person canperform only one task effectively. However, the results of a new study by experts from the Del Monte Institute of Neurology at the University of Rochester have shown that this is not always the case. In some cases, it is even easier for people to deal with two actions at once than with one.

Specialists using the Mobile Brain/Body systemImaging tracked the brain activity, behavior and movement of 26 healthy people. Their age ranged from 18 to 30 years. The subjects either sat on a chair or walked on a treadmill, while they had to observe a series of images and press a button each time the image changed.

When walking, the test results weredifferent. Some subjects performed worse on image-related tasks in this case, and some – better. Moreover, those who showed the best results (14 people) showed noticeable changes in the function of the frontal lobe of the brain. This means that their brain began to work more efficiently and became more flexible.

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