In the United States appreciated the global popularity of missile systems "Grad"

19FortyFive columnist Wesley Culp spoke about the popularity of Soviet multiple launch rocket systems

BM-21 "Grad", which are still used by different armies of the world. Discuss

"Grad" is a powerful and reliable self-propelled system,capable of hitting a separate area with a barrage of fire. The missile systems were mounted on the Ural-375D, Ural-4320 and ZiL-131 chassis. MLRS received a block of 40 guides on a swivel base. For firing, "Grad" uses 122 mm caliber rockets.

The speed of the BM-21 is 80 km/h. According to Culp, this makes the system highly mobile. While firing, the Grad can fire 40 rounds in 20 seconds.

Missile systems became a modification of the Grads"Tornado-G", which does not cancel the popularity of the previous version. “Despite the fact that the Russian Grads increasingly serving alongside their more modern descendants, such as the Tornado, they are unlikely to be completely phased out of Russian service any time soon, let alone disappear from the arsenals of other operators,” Culp said.