In the United States called the "visiting card" of Russia among military equipment

The United States called Russia’s “calling card” among military equipment. These are mobile missile systems.

About it

says the material of the famous Americanpublications The National Interest. The author of the text claims that Russian mobile missile systems have advantages over silo-based missile systems. True, they are less protected.

The author of the material talks in detail aboutseveral such systems. The first is the Soviet tactical missile system of the Tochka divisional level. Its missiles can have various types of warheads, including nuclear ones. The launcher is placed on an amphibious vehicle chassis, so the system is very mobile. Preparation for launch takes 16 minutes.

The second complex is Iskander. It has an increased radius of action and a warhead. In addition, the system is accurate and has better protection than its predecessors. The material also refers to Yakhont (Onyx) missiles.