Joe Biden and NASA reveal amazing deep space photography from the James Webb Telescope that will revolutionize astrophysics

US President Joe Biden and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson showed the first photograph taken by the comic

telescope “James Webb” (James Webb Space Telescope, JWST).

What is known

A unique and incredibly detailed shot(download in full resolution) demonstrates the capabilities of the new telescope and marks the beginning of a new era in deep space exploration. On July 12, the space agency will release a series of full-color images captured by the James Webb Telescope.

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James Webb Space Telescope can dorevolution in astrophysics. The telescope is equipped with the largest mirror that has ever been in space. With its help, the telescope was able to collect the light of stars that formed immediately after the Big Bang.

The image shows a cluster of thousands of galaxieswhat it was 4.6 billion years ago. This part of the sky is called SMACS 0723. Galaxies bend space-time and allow you to look deep into space. According to the administrator of NASA, the light from some galaxies went to the mirror of the telescope for 13 billion years. The distortion in the image appeared as a result of the effect of gravity on the light while it is walking towards the telescope.

Note that astronomers photographed the SMACS 0723 regionbefore, but it was &#8220;James Webb&#8221; allowed me to get incredibly detailed photography. It should be mentioned that the photo was taken in infrared light, and therefore the shades had to be filled in manually.

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Photo from James Webb Space Telescope taken withexposure 12.5 hours. At the same time, the &#8220;Hubble&#8221; telescope Some photographs took several weeks to obtain. You can see what the SMACS 0723 image from Hubble looks like above.

Source: The Verge

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