Mobile Application Development Secrets

Currently, 9 out of 10 potential customers apply with a request for app development under 2 at once

This is quite logical, because the mentioned platforms take up a total ofmore than 95% of the market, and it is economically feasible to develop a mobile application for these platforms.

During communication with customers to the company's technical directorMaurisVladimir Bondarenko often has to explain what is the difference between the development for each of the platforms and why these are two completely different products.Many people believe that programmers develop one application, which is then registeredIn some cases, this is true, but not always.Volodymyr spoke about the main approaches to the development of mobile applications.

There are only four of them:

Application Designeris a ready-made service that allows you to assemble a mobile application in 30 minutes.

This approach has two advantages: speed and cost.
As a result, you will get a template non-branded application with limited functionality without the ability to adapt it to yourself.With this approach to development, more than 50% of all your wishes will be impossiblerealize.

Cross platform application– a single software solution for both mobile platforms at once.It is a website wrapped in a browser that launches the main page when you click on the icon.


  • Work speed The cross-platform application interface is responsive.
  • Development time Due to a single solution for 2 platforms, development time is significantly reduced.
  • Technical support platforms.


  • It’s hard to find an experienced contractor. Find experienced developers in, for example, MonoTouch will be more problematic than specialists for native SDKs.
  • Ease of debugging: Titanium only provides the ability to debug your own code, and you can't access the source code of the framework itself, which makes it difficultAs for MonoTouch, many developers have problems debugging and running the applicationConstant problems.

In the end, you get a full flexibleapplication for the minimum period of time with one program code for 2 platforms. On older phones, the product can slow down, the platform also has a number of limitations when implementing complex applications.

React nativeis a technology from Facebook that uses native components for each of the platforms, and also hasThis approach allows you to get the speed of native development with time savings due toimplementation of common logic.


  • Reuse code. In addition to a common set of source codes across multiple platforms, React Native allows you to reuse code with a web application.
  • Platform: "All inclusive". React Native includes: React; additional tools for Android and iOS; Flexbox for styling user interface; various widgets, animations and more.
  • Integrable native components.


  • Limited API. Although React Native supports a huge number of APIs, there is still a need to use other APIs through embedded modules.
  • Differences between Android and iOS platforms.
  • Relatively poor performance. If you plan to develop a complex application, React Native will not work for you.

At the exit, the user gets a flexible applicationwith a native responsive interface and a single software base. But it is worth considering that the technology is quite new, and in some cases, the developers of your application will have to refine the standard for mobile development software components.

Native development– development of two independent applications for iOS and Android platforms.


  • Ease of development and debugging. In general, the development of native applications is much more convenient than, for example, the development of cross-platform. This is due to the fact that in native development there are no additional layers between the application code and the executable file and, in general, the native tools are more developed.
  • Availability of documentation and regular technical support.
  • Work speed Native applications provide high speed and performance.
  • Usability Native applications provide an opportunity to implement the interface and the general behavior of the program in the most natural way for this platform.


  • Platform coverage.
  • High development cost.
  • It’s hard to find an experienced contractor. In general, it is rather difficult to find a good Java or Objective-C developer due to the specificity of this field and the higher threshold for entering the technology.

You will get the most flexible application with a full arsenal of features for each of the platforms, but the implementation and support of the application for each of the platforms will requirea separate development team.

There are a number of less popular technologies for implementing applications, but they all fit into the gradation described above.

Now, before developing an application, you will be able to choose the optimal approach to implementation, based on your budget, terms and functionality.

In this video, you can find out how long it will take to develop a mobile app.More videos on ourchannel: