New app helps find malaria-carrying mosquitoes and reduce the incidence

Researchers at the University of South Florida have unveiled new insect control tools that

They have created a smartphone app in which an AI-based algorithm paired with a drone and satellite imagery allowsIdentify previously unknown mosquito breeding sites and treat them within one day.

Technology success after preliminary testsled to the launch of the Seek and Destroy program, which allows him to train government agencies to use the app in infectious areas of Cambodia, Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda - this allows them to quickly and efficiently direct resources to vulnerable areas before outbreaks occur.

Most of the research was done in Uganda,where malaria is the leading cause of death, especially among children under five years of age. With the help of local insect control officers, the algorithm managed to destroy all identified mosquito habitats. 62 patients with suspected malaria were treated.

For the successful operation of the Seek and Destroy systemJacob trained the drone to receive image datasets using algorithms. By being able to accurately locate habitat, the use of harmful insecticides is reduced and the risk of mosquitoes developing resistance to them is reduced.

The compiled map revealed more than 9,000mosquito habitats with dengue and zika viruses. He is now training local authorities on how to use the app and hopes to have the fight system ready by summer 2023.

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