Scientists equate verbal abuse with mini-slaps

Hearing insults is like receiving a mini-slap in the face. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying

Using electroencephalography (EEG) and skin conductance analysis, short-term exposure to verbal abuse. Discuss

The researchers conducted an experiment on 79female participants. After they were connected to the devices, they began to read a series of repeated statements: insults (eg, "Linda is terrible"), compliments (eg, "Linda is impressive"), and neutral statements (eg, "Linda is Dutch"). Half of the participants saw these phrases with their own name, and the other half - with someone else's. The women were told that these statements were made by three different men.

The researchers found that even inIn unnatural settings (laboratory, lack of real human interactions, and statements coming from imaginary people), verbal abuse remains painful for a person. The scientists explained that even under the conditions of the experiment, insults were perceived as mini-slaps.