Strong global warming will cause a catastrophic rise in ocean levels

The researchers explained that the Antarctic ice sheet is much less likely to become

unstable and will cause a sharp rise in sea levels in the coming centuries if the worldwill follow policies that keep global warming below the key target of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

However, if global warming exceedsindicator of 2 degrees Celsius, the risk of melting ice shelves around the perimeter of the ice sheet will increase significantly, and their destruction will cause a rapid melting of Antarctica. This will lead to an increase in global mean sea level of at least 0.17 cm per year by 2060.

This is faster than the average rate of sea level rise over the past 120 years, and in vulnerable coastal locations will dramatically increase the number of extreme floods.

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Scientists added that global warming by 3degrees Celsius can lead to a catastrophic rise in sea level as a result of the melting of Antarctica. On average 0.5 cm per year worldwide after 2060.

“The destruction of the ice cover is irreversible withinthousands of years, and if the Antarctic ice sheet becomes unstable, it could continue to recede for centuries, the scientists noted. "This happens regardless of whether abatement strategies such as removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are being applied."

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