What if iPhone or iPad crashes to a black screen after December 2?

Did your iPhone or iPad keep crashing to a black screen after December 2? For most users

a black screen appears with a rotatingloading indicator, after which they need to enter a password to use the device again. If the bug is serious, then the device crashes again after entering the password, and so on in a circle.

If you encounter such a problem, then your device has come under the action of a bug related to the date, which has already been fixed in version iOS 11.2.

In other words,You can solve the problem (or prevent its occurrence) by installing the update iOS 11.2.

The bug appears on devices with other versions of iOS 11, and it is called by applications with daily notifications.

How to fix date bugiOSeleven

If you can’t use the device at all due to constant reboots, you need to update it to iOS 11.2. Do the following:

  • In Control Center, turn on Do Not Disturb.
  • Or turn off all notifications for each app completely in Settings > Notifications.
  • After that, install iOS 11.2 through Settings or using iTunes on your computer.

It is not yet known exactly how many users have such a problem. A bug will not occur at all for users who do not have applications with daily notifications.

The reason why the bug is connected precisely with December 2 also remains a mystery.

This is a pretty serious bug, and that is why Apple released iOS 11.2 on the weekend, which is very unusual for the company. Typically, system updates are released on weekdays.

In any case, you need to upgrade to iOS 11.2 as soon as possible if you have a previous version of iOS 11. installed. The older versions of the system will not affect the bug.