Why you shouldn't give up daytime sleep: four reasons

You can often hear that sleep during the day – Badly. However, this is due to the fact that most people sleep during the daytime.

hours are either too few or too many. Read more about the health benefits of napping – in the material of the British edition of the Daily Express. Discuss

If you sleep a lot or very little during the day,you usually wake up tired and exhausted. Eachnight.com sleep expert Kira Pritchard talks about how to properly organize your sleep during the daytime and what are the benefits of such sleep.

First, our sleep is cyclical.Therefore, you need to choose the duration of sleep that will suit your needs. You need to sleep during the day either 10 minutes or 90 minutes. On average, one sleep cycle normally lasts 90 minutes, the specialist adds.

In addition, it is important to choose the time for such a dream.The best time to sleep, Pritchard notes, is between six and eight hours after waking up. For most, this time is from 13:00 to 15:00. Otherwise, it may be difficult to fall asleep in the evening and at night.

One scientific study also found that such sleep can improve memory as effectively as nighttime sleep.

What are the main benefits of daytime sleep?

  1. Mood boost. According to Kira Pritchard, daytime naps can improve mood and reduce anxiety and fear. However, it is important to correctly calculate the time of such sleep.

  1. Memory improvement. It may be helpful to take a nap before a test orsome complex intellectual work. This will improve your productivity and make it easier to remember information. Sleep also helps to consolidate everything new in memory.
  1. Increasing creativity of thinking. Thanks to sleep, you will be able to more easily discover connections between different concepts. It is important to sleep long enough to enter the REM sleep phase.
  1. Recovery of the body. Sleep can help you recover from illness.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.

Source: Daily Express