YouTube stream lovers can now buy stickers

Just recently, Google completely released animated stickers, with which stream viewers can

show your appreciation to the content author.

Testing of superstickers began in July, andthey are now fully available in 60 countries. Now, when a channel goes live or premieres, viewers can buy a sticker and send it to the general chat. Streamers also receive a sticker purchase notification.

What do you need to use?

In order to use the new function, the channel must meet the following requirements:

  • Monetization configured on channel
  • The channel has more than 1000 subscribers
  • The author of the channel is 18
  • Feature Supported in Author Region

Already more than 100,000 channels have connected superstickers (and with them superchat). In total, there are 8 sticker packs available, five of which are animated.


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