Astronomers have discovered 100 new supermassive black holes in the early Universe.

Supermassive black holes are objects whose mass is equal to hundreds of millions or even billions of Suns, and they

are often located in the center of galaxies, includingin our Milky Way. Although black holes themselves are invisible, they become some of the most easily detected objects in the night sky because the gas falling into them heats up and shines brightly—much like a quasar.

Researchers have watched supermassiveblack holes in the early universe with the Subaru telescope in Hawaii. As a result, they were able to detect 100 new objects at very long distances - up to 13 billion light years.

Considering that the Big Bang occurred approximately13.8 billion years ago, one can say that supermassive black holes were widespread in the early Universe - this discovery will allow scientists to better understand the mechanism of their formation, the study notes.

Earlier it was reported that until the end of 2019 telescopeThe Event Horizon (EHT) is expected to send the first ever horizon image of a black hole event to Earth. Until now, man has never seen such space objects.