New non-pathogenic bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae will be the basis of stress vaccine

The soil-dwelling bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae andIt has a special kind of fat inside - 10 (Z) -hexadecenoic acid, which can allow the human brain to deal with stress. As part of the study, Lowry conducted a series of experiments, making injections with bacteria in mice. It turned out that they prevented the occurrence of stress-induced reactions in animals.

The study is based on the hypothesis of “oldfriends, ”according to which people evolved with a huge number of microorganisms living in the earth. The loss of communication with them has led to a huge increase in allergic, psychological and autoimmune diseases.

The idea is that, as peoplemoved away from farms and agriculture or the existence of hunter-gatherers to the cities, they gradually lost contact with the organisms that served to regulate our immune system and suppress inappropriate inflammation.

Neuroendocrinologist Christopher Lowry

At the molecular level, the lipid works in conjunction withreceptors that are activated by proliferator peroxisome (PPAR). It allows you to inhibit inflammation, at least in experimentally treated immune cells of mice. When cells of fatty acid are absorbed by immune cells, they release lipids that bind to the stress receptor and turn off the inflammatory cascade.

According to Lowry, before a stress vaccine was createdfar enough today. If he manages to repeat these experiments on people, working with the human body to create tablets will last at least ten years.