VKontakte publics with the maximum number of donations from participants have been named

On VKontakte you can now see the ratings of publics and groups that receive the maximum amount

donations from participants. It turned out that several communities earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month from donations.

According to the publication Roem, on VKontakte there isthere are only three communities that have more than a thousand “dons”—people who make voluntary donations. In first place is the Zipper public page, dedicated to Korean pop culture, where the emphasis is on translations from Korean. It boasts 4 thousand “dons”. Since the monthly donation is 50 or 100 rubles, it can be calculated that the public earns at least 200 thousand rubles per month from donations.

In second place is Tool42, a community of the application of the same name for analyzing VK accounts. Some functions of the service are available only to “dons”.

The third place belongs to the Cerebro Target community of the targeted advertising service on VKontakte for marketers.