В Японии начали продавать томаты с отредактированным геномом для лечения гипертонии

Tomatoes that have appeared on the shelves in Japan contain five times more GABA (gamma-aminobutyric

acids) than in regular tomatoes: they are useful for people with hypertension.

Большинство стран пока не разрешат продажу и growing modified tomatoes, as the approval process for such a product is very long. But in Japan, this procedure is much easier and faster, so at the end of 2020, Sanatech Seeds asked regulators for permission to produce and sell genome-edited tomatoes and received approval.

When editing tomatoes, scientists took the country's popular Sicilian Rouge species as a basis and used CRISPR/Cas technology : now the new edited form has an increased content of GABA - this compound reducesblood pressure and slows down the heart rate. 

It is noted that genome-edited and genetically modified foods are not the same thing.In the second case, scientists artificially insert whole genes or groups of genes. 

Today, it is almost impossible to start mass production of such products, since there is aStrict attitude at the legislative level. 

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