Where is the cheapest iPhone 12 and how long does it take to buy it

Perhaps the most discussed topic this week was the presentation of new iPhone 12 smartphones. Analysts

collected information about prices in different countries and did an interesting study.

Where is it cheaper?

The Statista service found out where the cheapest and wherethe most expensive devices. For the evaluation, we took the official prices of the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro, equipped with 128 GB of memory. Prices were converted to US dollars according to the exchange rate on October 14, 2020.

As a result, it is most profitable to buy gadgets in the USA. And the highest price tags are in India and France.

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IPhone Index

And Picodi.com analysts compared the prices of the iPhone 12 Pro (128 GB) with the average salary in several dozen countries and calculated how much work residents need to do in order to buy a brand new smartphone.

And India is again in the lead in this ranking:locals need to work nearly 55 days on an iPhone 12 Pro. Exactly the same figure in Mexico. You have to work the least in Switzerland: 4.4 days will be enough to pay for the purchase.

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Information about the average salary was takenfrom the websites of national statistical offices or relevant ministries and is current at the time of publication of iPhone prices in a particular country. Salaries after taxes are calculated using local salary calculators. The monthly salary was divided by 21 - the average number of working days in a month. In countries where statistical agencies use weekly rates, income was divided by 5.

By the way, Ukraine is not on any list. This is because we have not yet announced official prices for the new line. At the same time, sales of iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro will start on October 30.

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