AI turns old maps into satellite imagery

Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Pernambuco presented a machine learning algorithm

which transforms old cards intoGoogle satellite images. This development, according to scientists, can inform people about how the planet is changing over time, as well as communicate the social and economic consequences of urbanization.

To implement the project, they usedan AI tool called Pix2pix that relies on two neural networks. The first one creates images based on the input set, and the second network decides whether the generated image is real or not. The networks are then trained to trick each other and ultimately create realistic images based on the historical data provided.

Scientists describe their approach in research,published in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. In this study, they took a 1808 map of Recife (Brazil) and created modern images of the area.

“When you look at these images, it’s betteryou understand how the city has changed in 200 years, the scientists explain. "The city's geography has changed dramatically - landfills have reduced water bodies, and green areas have disappeared as a result of human activity."

The advantage of this approach to AI isthe fact that it requires relatively little data entry; however, data entry requires historical documentation and the resulting image resolution is lower than researchers would like.

“We will continue to work to improveimage resolution and experiment with different input data,” the scientists note. The researchers hope that their development will be able to be used by urban planners, anthropologists and historians.

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