AI, chatbots and digital adoption: how corporate learning has changed

Why do you need corporate training?

The world is changing faster than ever.

the development of technology in general, partly with the emergence of an additional factor – COVID-19.Alice from Wonderland used to say, "You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in one place, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast!"And companies today have to work hard not only to stay afloat, but also to develop.Corporate training helps a business to "run" faster and faster, breaking away from competitors and effectively adapting to external factors.In addition, by investing in corporate training, companies significantly increaseloyalty of their employees – more than 90% of them are ready to work in such companies for longer.Accordingly, staff turnover and the associated costs of finding new specialists are reduced.

In corporate training, modern technologies andtrends are inextricably linked with each other. It's hard to say what comes first. Either trends lead to the emergence of new technologies, or the technologies themselves are changing the entire industry and setting new trends. Most likely, it happens so and so. In any case, it makes sense to dwell in more detail on the main trends and on the main technologies.

Corporate training trends

  • Getting an education online.In 2019, the volume of the Russian online education market reached a record 38.5 billion rubles, and 49% of this amount accounted for additional adult education.After the onset of the pandemic, the demand for online courses has increased manifold: for example, more than 1 million new students registered at the Foxford online school in March, and the number of registrations at Netology increased by 340%.And they are no exception at all — a similar picture is observed in almost all EdTech companies.
  • Microtraining... For an adult to improve efficiencywork, as a rule, requires the study of a narrow topic, and not the entire subject as a whole. Accordingly, with a properly organized educational process, an employee can be trained in a matter of days, if not hours. This is the essence of microllerning - mastering content in a concise and maximally pointwise form, focused on a specific request. This method helps to train employees either with minimal losses for work, or even without interruption from the main activity.
  • Personal approach.The tasks of most employees in any companyare individual, even if people work in the same department. Different projects have different problems and ways to solve them. Accordingly, introducing uniform courses for all company personnel or even one department is not the best option. It is preferable to use an individual approach to employee training. Modern technologies allow us to solve this problem quickly and efficiently.
  • Bridging the gap between theory and practice.Many university graduates under their beltsolid theoretical preparation and frankly weak practical one. Today, few doubt that effective corporate training must combine the acquisition of new knowledge with the ability to use it in real working conditions.
  • Gamification... Adding a gaming moment to the learning processmakes it fun and more effective. Gamification makes it possible to attract more participants in the training and not lose them before its completion, which often happens when using standard approaches.
  • Mentoring.Corporate training with a mentor allows you tothe employee will quickly gain the necessary experience and knowledge. In recent years, this approach has become more and more popular - for example, 76% of employers in Europe offer mentoring or coaching to their employees, and 71% of Fortune500 companies have corporate mentoring programs.

Technologies in corporate training

  • Artificial intelligence and chat bots.These technologies are ideal for bothmicrolearning, and for longer retraining of specialists. They allow you to take into account not only the tasks that the employee has to solve, but also his initial abilities and individual characteristics. The chatbot asks the right questions, and AI allows, based on the answers received, to quickly assess a person’s level of training and professional qualities, and then build a personal study program. Thus, AI and chatbots help adapt educational content to a specific request, that is, personalize learning as much as possible. The ideal option is when individual training modules are automatically built into the curriculum of each individual employee.
  • Webinars.A simple online alternative to traditional face-to-faceemployee training. Webinars provide an opportunity to speed up the process of transferring information and obtaining the necessary skills for employees. In addition, webinars allow the company to reduce operating costs for business travel, rental of conference rooms and auditoriums
  • Learning management systems(Learning Management System, LMS).Most large companies prefer to create their own platforms for training, testing and informing their employees. Such giants as Cisco, Google, Microsoft and many others have their own LMS. The main advantage of an LMS is that almost all training, courses and certification are conducted online, in an interactive form. Any employee can connect to the system from anywhere and gain the necessary knowledge and skills. An LMS makes it possible to improve a company's talent management system by making the most of the abilities of individual employees and teams.

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality.Solutions based on VR and AR help to getonly theoretical training, but also practical experience in the learning process. A virtual model, as close as possible to reality, allows you to practice behavior in any situation and teach an employee how to accurately perform assigned tasks. Thus, Russian Railways uses a VR simulator to train railway mechanics. Having put on virtual reality glasses, the specialist finds himself in a virtual environment - a simulated railway station, where it is necessary to solve a variety of problems.
  • Digital Adoption.Literally translated from English, this termrefers to the process of users acquiring a variety of digital skills. In relation to corporate training, we mean interactive hint services that are built into the system and replace paper instructions. Their task is to guide the user through the interface and respond to his behavior in order to make the help really useful. One of the first examples of a digital adoption tool was Skrepysh, a digital assistant from the Microsoft Word office suite of the early 2000s. Then it only annoyed everyone because it repeated the same useless information regardless of the user’s behavior, and therefore was not effective. Today, when introducing new corporate software, digital adoption tools are the most effective. When using familiar approaches, company employees learn to work in the new system for about a month. Interactive instructions built into enterprise software can reduce the cost of training and user support by approximately half, speeding up training by 20–50%. Plus, the load on technical support is reduced by about a third, which frees up time for specialists to solve other problems.
  • Podcasts.Businesses are increasingly using podcasting,creating a training program using connected media files - documents, video or audio files. Podcasts on a specific topic are published on a corporate resource or in the public domain. The popularity of the technology is gradually growing, but the boom in its development is still ahead.

Today we can say with confidence thatmodern technology has changed corporate learning forever. Traditional approaches (courses and offline conferences) not only lose in efficiency, but are also too costly for the business - these are high costs for the training itself, and the absence of employees in the workplace, and therefore, lost profit. The transfer of all processes to digital allows you to solve these problems and make training useful and comfortable for both companies and their employees.

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