Research: Earth hasn't warmed up as intensely in the past 10 million years

Scientists have completed one of the most comprehensive studies of the history of the Earth's climate.They concluded that the planet

could warm up to levels it hasn't reached in at least 34 million years.They also noticed that the planet hadn't warmed up as fast in the last 10 million years.

Researchers led by ThomasWesterhold of the University of Bremen, Germany, built the datasets using chemical analyzes of ancient sediments they excavated from the ocean floor. These deposits, some 66 million years old, are filled with the surviving shells of tiny organisms that can tell scientists about the temperature and chemical composition of the ocean when they were formed.

Sedimentary rock collected from all over the world inover the years, has allowed scientists to reconstruct the history of the Earth's climate, dating back to the mass extinction that killed three-quarters of the planet's species, including dinosaurs. They found that the planet went through four different climatic phases.

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Transition from one state to another, likegenerally depended on changes in the level of greenhouse gases, often caused by volcanic eruptions and other natural processes, as well as shifts in the Earth's orbit, which affected the amount of solar energy entering the planet.

During the hottest periods, over 50 million yearsago, the temperature on Earth was more than 10 degrees Celsius hotter than today. But it is important to note that it took the planet thousands or even millions of years to reach these levels, and that was long before humans appeared on Earth. Scientists estimate that at the current rate of warming, the planet has reached its most intense warming over the past 10 million years.

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