How to cancel a paid subscription in the App Store or iTunes for an application or game

More and more developers prefer to make their apps free but provide users with

Ability to purchase a paid subscription with additional features and content.

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If you previously purchased an in-app subscription, you need to know how to disable your subscription in the App Store if you no longer need it.

Many users forget about their trialsubscriptions and continue to pay money for apps or music that they no longer use. In addition, in new versions of iOS 12, canceling subscriptions has become easier. Below we’ll show you how to unsubscribe from the App Store to the application.

  • How to cancel a paid subscription in the App Store on the application
  • Method 2: How to cancel your subscription through the App Store
  • Method 3: How to Cancel Your Subscription in 3 Easy Steps
  • How to unsubscribe from iTunes
  • How to unsubscribe from App Store or News + on Apple TV
  • How to renew your subscription
  • Subscription not canceled?

How to cancel a paid subscription in the App Store on the application

one)On your iPhone or iPad, open the appSettings.



2)Go toiTunes Store AndApp Store, click on yourApple IDat the top, selectViewApple ID.


four)Select sectionSubscriptions. You will see a list of your current and inactive subscriptions.

five)Select the subscription you want to cancel, then clickCancel subscriptionAndConfirm.

Even if you cancel your subscription, you can still enjoy its benefits that are already paid for some time.

Method 2: How to cancel your subscription through the App Store

  1. OpenApp Store.
  2. Selectyour profile.
  3. SelectManage subscriptions.
  4. Click on the subscription you don't want and selectUnsubscribe.

Method 3: How to Cancel Your Subscription in 3 Easy Steps

If you are too lazy to follow all the above steps, just click onthis link toon your iPhone or iPad, and you will automatically be taken to the Subscriptions page.

Click on the subscription you don't need and selectUnsubscribe. This is the easiest and fastest way.

How to unsubscribe from iTunes

To unsubscribe from paid subscriptions through iTunes, do the following:

one)RuniTuneson Mac or PC.

2)From the menu bar, selectAccount &gt; Viewand go through authentication.



3)Scroll down and click the linkManagenext to subscriptions. You will see all your subscriptions.

four)ClickChangenext to the subscription you want to cancel.

five)Now clickCancel subscriptionand confirm your action.

How to unsubscribe from App Store or News + on Apple TV

  1. Go toSettingson your Apple TV.
  2. SelectAccounts &gt; Manage subscriptions.
  3. Select the desired subscription.
  4. ClickUnsubscribe.
  5. Confirm your decision.

It’s very easy not to notice the write-off of 149 rubles inmonth from your account, so be sure to check your subscriptions and cancel unnecessary. Now you know how to unsubscribe iTunes on iPhone and other devices.

How to renew your subscription

Want to renew the subscription you have canceled? Apple stores all of your subscriptions so that you can access them.

  1. Go toSettings &gt; iTunesStore and App Store&gt; Apple ID.
  2. SelectViewApple ID.
  3. Enter yourpasswordApple IDor use Touch ID/Face ID.
  4. SelectSubscriptions.
  5. Find a sectionInactive.
  6. Select the subscription you want to renew.
  7. Now select the option you want to subscribe as usual

You will automatically be charged money every month until you cancel your subscription.



Subscription not canceled?

If the subscription is displayed in active, but notcancel button, it means you have already canceled it, but the validity period has not yet expired. You can confirm this by checking the subscription date: there will be a date when it expires. If you are still paying for a subscription, insteadEndsthere will be a wordRenewal.

If the subscription is not displayed at all on the screen, then you need to cancel it directly through the source. For example, a Netflix subscription will not be displayed here, it must be canceled through the site or application.