NASA's Perseverance rover successfully lands and transfers first images

Applause rang out in the control room as NASA's rover reached the Red Planet.

Thursday NASA

has landed a new robotic rover on Mars in the most ambitious attempt in decades to directly study whether life ever existed on the Red Planet.

While the agency was on other missionsto Mars, the $ 2.7 billion Perseverance robot explorer has a sophisticated set of scientific instruments that will unlock advanced opportunities to search for life beyond our planet.

Perseverance was the third robot visitor sinceEarth arriving on the red planet this month. Last week, two other spacecraft, Hope from the United Arab Emirates and Tianwen-1 from China, entered Mars orbit.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory traditionally housed a jar of "NASA Happy Peanuts" (Good-luck peanuts).

"Peanuts of Luck" first appeared in the Centerspace flights of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1964 during the Ranger mission7. Before JPL had six failures. Ranger 7 launch day has arrived, and with it comes the tradition of stocking up on peanuts before launches and important milestones for NASA missions.

Until the Voyager mission, peanuts appearedonly at startup. They are now often seen in mission control facilities during critical mission phases such as orbital insertion, flyby and landing, or any other event that poses increased concern or risk.

After landing, Perseverance transmitted the first two images from Mars.

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