Found a way to prevent baldness

British researchers have found a way to prevent baldness. Thanks to a new hair loss treatment

decreases by 29%.

The study tells "".Red clover extract has shown itself to be an effective remedy. The study involved 30 men with androgenic alopecia, a condition where excess or lack of hormones in the body can trigger intense hair loss. Volunteers applied a 5% red clover extract (Trifolium pratense) to the scalp for four months.

As a result, men recorded a 13 percent increasehair and a 29 percent reduction in hair loss. Since the study also used a placebo, it was possible to establish that it was red clover extract that was responsible for the positive effect.

Scientists also tested the product on women. After using the product, their overall hair condition improved.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before deciding on the use of any means, consult a specialist