Recovery does not work with iOS 12.3.2? Here is what to do

This month, Apple released iOS 12.3.2, an update that fixes the portrait mode bug on the iPhone 8 Plus. Patch

is only for iPhone 8 Plus, soUpdate available only for this model. In this regard, users who bought a newer model are now unable to recover from their copies.

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IOS issue 12.3.2

In short, iTunes / iCloud can't holdrecovery from this version of the system. iOS 12.3.2 is considered the latest (non-beta) version of the system at the moment, but it is only available for iPhone 8 Plus. If you saved a copy on iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 12.3.2, and then bought a new iPhone or just switched to another model, then you won’t be able to restore your data. For other models, the latest available version is iOS 12.3.1.

Solution to the problem

Apple Support advises usersjust wait for the next system update to resolve the problem. If you cannot wait long, we have several alternative solutions.

The first solution is to install the beta version of iOS. Yes, usually we do not recommend installing beta versions of the system on the main devices, but this case is an exception. Beta versions of iOS 12.4 and iOS 13 are now available, with public beta available for both. You can install any public beta version of your choice. iOS 12.4 weighs less and the fifth beta is available. You can read online about how to install a beta profile on your device.



Also read: How to download and install public beta versions of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13

The second solution does not require beta versions,but it is a little more complicated. You need to edit the “.plist” file on your computer. We can’t confirm that the method works, since you cannot verify it without iPhone 8 Plus. However, the method helped some users.

In fact, few faced the problem, but we still decided to write about the options for solving it. Let's see if Apple will take this problem into account when releasing updates for specific models in the future.