New study: Earth's atmosphere makes sounds

The "music" of the atmosphere is not a sound that we can hear—  it is a large-scale wave of atmospheric

The globe travels around the equator, with some waves moving from east to west and others from west to east. 

This phenomenon has been discussed since the beginning of the 19th century.Research by physicists over the next two centuries refined the theory and led to detailed predictions about the frequencies of waves that should be present in the atmosphere.However, they could not actually be detected before. 

Particular attention was paid to waves with periods of 2 to 33 hours, which move horizontally through the atmosphere, moving around the globe at speeds of more than 1,100 km/h.This creates a characteristic "checkerboard" pattern of high and low pressure associated with these waves as they propagate.This can be seen in the animation. 

Now, scientists have though to understand how the processes that excitewaves, and which, on the contrary, drown them out. 

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