Novosibirsk scientists were the first in Russia to receive antibodies from COVID-19

We have received effective antibodies to COVID-19. The resulting antibodies are able to block the interaction of the virus and

ACE2 cell receptor and, accordingly, prevent its penetration into target cells

Olga Dorokhova, secretary of the SB RAS working group

 To obtain antibodies, scientists used blood samples from donors who had recovered from COVID-19 and technology for sorting single B-lymphocytes - blood cells responsible for the formation of immunity. 

The resulting antibodies are able to block the interaction of the virus and the ACE2 cell receptor (a protein embedded in the cell membrane) and, accordingly, prevent its penetration into target cells.

In the future, scientists are going to create on their basis means of treatment and prevention of coronavirus. In addition, the data will be used to improve vaccines against  COVID-19.

The immunogenetics laboratory of the ICMB SB RAS is developing molecular diagnostics and therapy for human diseases.

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