The new sensor will detect liver damage at an early stage

Currently there are no methods for early diagnosis of liver damage, as well as fibrosis, which will further lead to

in liver failure.

So engineers from MIT created a newa non-invasive test that can identify patients with subtle symptoms of liver dysfunction. To do this, the new device uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which measures how water diffuses: this can help understand the ratio of fat in tissue, since water circulates more slowly in the presence of lesions. 

Fibrosis was detected using a new sensorwith 86 percent accuracy, and fatty liver disease was found in 92%. It takes about 10 minutes to get results, but researchers are now working to reduce that time.

It is noted that fibrosis cannot be cured, but itcan be diagnosed, slowed down, or stopped if the technique is structured through diet and exercise. In addition, the sensor can be used to assess the human liver before transplantation. On human liver tissue, the sensor detects fibrosis with 93% accuracy.

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