New nanomaterial acts like a molecular thermometer

Human cells possess various proteins that act as channels for charged ions. In the skin

Ion channels rely on heat to control the flow of particles, which generates the electrical signals that humans use to measure the temperature of their surroundings.

Inspired by these biological sensors, KAUST researchers prepared a titanium carbide compound (Ti3C2Tx) known as MXene.
MXenes are a class of two-dimensional inorganicconnections. These materials are composed of layers several atoms thick of transition metal carbides, nitrides, or carbonitrides. Each layer is coated with negatively charged atoms such as oxygen or fluorine.

These groups act as spacers separating adjacent nanosheets, allowing water molecules to penetrate the interplanar channels. The channels between the MXene layers are narrower than one nanometer.

Researchers used diffractionX-rays and scanning electron microscopy to study the new compound and found that adding water to the material slightly widened the channels between the layers. When the material touched the potassium chloride solution, the passages were large enough to allow the positively charged potassium ions to pass through the MXene, but blocked the passage of negative chlorine ions.

A team of scientists has created a small devicecontaining MXene, and exposed one end to sunlight. MXenes are especially effective at absorbing sunlight and converting that energy into heat. The resulting increase in temperature prompted water molecules and potassium ions to flow through the nanochannels from the colder end to the warmer end. This thermoosmotic flow produced a voltage change comparable to that observed in temperature-sensitive biological ion channels. As a result, the device can reliably detect temperature changes of less than 1 ° C.

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