Payment by biometrics in shops and cafes will be launched in Russia by the end of 2020

The State Duma adopted a bill on expanding the possibilities of using biometrics in the first reading in the past

year, but then its considerationstopped. According to the chairman of the lower house of parliament committee on the financial market, Anatoly Aksakov, the amendments will most likely be adopted before the end of this year.

Now casts of faces and voices from the stateThe unified biometric system (UBS) is allowed to be used only if you need to open a deposit remotely, the newspaper points out. After the law is adopted, banks will be able to introduce face-to-face payment in stores and cafes. In addition, according to the deputy, the new version of the law will spell out requirements for any collected biometrics, including by banks.

In July 2019, the bill was approved in the first reading, but then its consideration was frozen, the newspaper notes.

In terms of clarifying the rules of storage and processingdata, credit institutions and Rostelecom (which is the operator of the EBS) will be given time to bring the systems in line. Moreover, the deputy clarified that the new version of the law will spell out the requirements for any collected biometrics, including for the internal databases of banks.

Recall that today biometrics is used only for remote opening of deposits.

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