Look at the robot scientist: he conducts experiments while everything is quarantined

The new robotic scientist can work autonomously, so researchers can conduct experiments from home,

One of the developers explains the principle.

According to scientists, such a technology can makescientific discovery "a thousand times faster." The robot scientist is currently starting a series of trials. He will look for a catalyst that can accelerate the reaction inside the solar cells.

Meet a Socially Remote Robot Scientist

But, according to Professor Andy Cooper, a material scientist who put the robot to work in his laboratory, it can be used in the fight against COVID-19.

COVID-19, climate change - there are manyproblems that really need international cooperation. Such robots could be all over the world, connected by a centralized brain that could be anywhere. We haven't done that yet - this is just a first example - but it's absolutely something we'd like to do.

Andy Cooper, materials scientist

Today in a world where scientists also need to limit their time in the laboratory and maintain social distance from each other, the robot scientist has found his place.

He is not bored, he does not get tired, he worksaround the clock and does not need holidays, developers joke. On a more serious note, scientists said that the robot has already changed the speed with which researchers can conduct tests and experiments. He can easily sort through thousands of samples, so he frees up the time of scientists. They can focus on innovation and new solutions.

Like robotics designed toresearch in space, such machines can also conduct more risky experiments - in more severe laboratory conditions or using more toxic substances.

NASA humanoid designed for more hazardous environments

That is why, according to Deirdre Black, head of research and innovation at the Royal Chemical Society, British science must incorporate new technologies into its infrastructure.

It's about people using digitaltechnologies so that they can work more efficiently - to find and introduce innovations faster, to research more complex and complex problems, such as decarburization, prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as cleaning our air.

Does this mean that while many scientists were isolated, the machines came to get a job? Scientists say no. Science will always need people, researchers say.

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