The robot was taught to cook and wash dishes

London-based robotics company Moley Robotics has unveiled the world's first kitchen with built-in robots.

who will cook food, wash dishes andget out. The device costs around £248,000 - about the same as the average British home. The creators admit that this robot will not be available to everyone, but they have already received more than a thousand orders. In the future, they want to create simpler and cheaper versions of the device.

“We are introducing a robot kitchen for the first time,” sayresearchers. - Like all breakthrough technologies - cars, televisions and computers - the development will appeal to enthusiasts and professionals and will cost accordingly. But we expect our prices to decline as the volume and scale of production increases. ”

A robot was taught to rap

The robot was developed with the assistance of Tim Anderson,chef and winner of the 2011 MasterChef competition.  Anderson and his colleagues created 30 dishes to demonstrate the system's capabilities, and they will add new recipes every month. The company said that in the future, customers will be able to choose more than 5,000 dishes from a digital menu, and will also be able to record their favorite dishes.

The technology is equipped with two roboticmanipulators developed in collaboration with the leading German robotics company Schunk. To reliably reproduce the movements of human hands, they allow the robot to extract ingredients from the smart refrigerator, adjust the temperature of the hob, use the sink to fill pots, and pour, mix and plates in the same way a chef would.

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