They want to attract Russian hackers to prepare a report to Putin on harassment in social networks

The Human Rights Council (HRC) intends to create a “digital code” - a set of legislative acts that

will ensure the protection of citizens in the digital environment. To do this, the HRC plans to first submit a report to President Vladimir Putin, in the preparation of which hackers will also be involved.

They, according to Fadeev, “wonderfulunderstand hacking and online manipulation.” Putin will be told what problems Russians now face on the Internet: bullying, surveillance and leakage of personal data. As an example of bullying, Fadeev cited the criticism faced by Leonid Roshal, who proposed creating a joint group of doctors to treat Alexei Navalny.

You probably remember the failed application“Social monitoring” or last year’s Golunov case, when false information [photos of a drug laboratory] was leaked online and no one answered for it. These examples describe a number of serious problems of our society in the field of digitalization and information dissemination.

Valery Fadeev, head of the Human Rights Council

First, the working group will discuss all the problemswho lie in wait for users on the Internet, will report them to Vladimir Putin, and then begin to develop the “digital code” itself—legislation that protects the rights of citizens on the Internet. 

The council will initiate a bill that willprotect those who have been harassed on social networks, total surveillance or become a victim of scammers. According to Fadeev, Russian laws "do not cope with the protection of citizens in the digital environment." The HRC, when creating the "digital code", promised "to avoid the protection of rights by undermining freedoms."

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