Sanctuary is accessible to all: Blizzard has added more than fifty accessibility settings to gamers with disabilities in Diablo IV

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More and more developers are taking a very responsible approach to making their projects accessible

maximum number of gamers.

Yesterday we talked about Sony's new development – Access controller, which will allow you toPlayers with disabilities can enjoy games on PlayStation 5 seamlessly.

Now, Blizzard has shared information about accessibility settings in Diablo IV.

What is known

Diablo IV has more than fifty accessibility settings, and the developers do not exclude that more options will be added in the future.

Gamers will be able to customize every element in detailcontrols, size and font of subtitles and game inscriptions. The text in the game can be converted to synthetic voice acting and, conversely, all voice acting is displayed in text form. Individual elements of the game can be highlighted, and audio tips are provided for a certain category of gamers.

Blizzard is committed to making Diablo IV accessible to anyone interested in the game, regardless of their health status.

When to expect

Diablo IV releases June 6th on PC (only, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4. The developers reminded that buyers of the Ultimate Edition will be able to start the passage four days earlier.