There are about 1,000 non-standard phrases from which voice assistants are launched

Interestingly, voice assistants falsely respond to phrases from TV series and TV shows, such as “Game

Thrones", "House of Cards" and others.

According to the authors, this is due to the features of the voice assistants software, which is focused on recognizing the speech of the owner even in the presence of interference.

After the device starts, it records partwhat you said, and then passes it on to the manufacturer. If there is a false positive, the recorded audio will be sent to the developers for decoding, this is necessary to improve word recognition. Thus, fragments of potentially private conversations may end up in company logs. Therefore, if you do not want the device to record you at the wrong time, turn off the devices or block them. 

Examples of words and phrases, after which assistants are included:

  • Alexa: “unacceptable”, “election” and “letter” (unacceptable, election, letter);
  • Google Home: “Good, cool” and “Good who reads” (OK, cool, Okay, who is reading);
  • Siri: “city” and “hey Jerry” (a city, hey jerry);
  • Microsoft Cortana: Montana.

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