The territory of protected areas in the UK will grow to 30% of the country's area

As the office of Prime Minister Boris Johnson reported on Sunday evening, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers

The announcement was made on Monday in a video message at an event leading up to the virtual UN Biodiversity Summit, which will take place on September 30.

Johnson's government intends for $ 400,000. hectares to increase the area of ​​natural parks and protected areas. The UK calls on other countries to ensure that in 10 years at least 30% of their territory has a protected status.

We must match our words with action and use them to scale up efforts, set ambitious goals and make binding promises.We must act now, and we must act now.We cannot afford to delay and delay, as biodiversity is declining before our eyes at an alarming rate.Without our intervention, the consequences will be catastrophic for all of us. 

Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister

Exactly which parts of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland will become new reserves, the British government and local authorities will determine in the coming years.

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